Concierge Diploma
“The guest is king” or “reading the guest’s wishes from their lips” – that’s easier said than done, and it takes a lot of training and sensitivity to fulfil, understand and ideally anticipate guest and customer wishes.
How to do this is taught at the Bad Gleichenberg tourism schools in the additional reception/concierge training programme in collaboration with Les Clefs D’Or.
“In our digital age, online support and digital tools are becoming increasingly important. We attach great importance to this in our training programme,” says Alois Schöllauf, head of training.
In May and June, our newly qualified young concierges were proud to receive their diplomas. One of the absolute highlights of the exam was that the students had to organise a stretch limousine. After successfully completing the task, the newly qualified concierges were then taken for a spin in the limousine.
KV Day in the last week of school
A very popular tradition at the end of the school year is the KV Day in the last week of school.
Each class organises it according to their own wishes together with the respective class teacher and the activities and objectives were once again extremely varied this year – from wine tasting to go-kart racing, everything was included….
Cheers to the jubilarians!
As they say, you should celebrate the festivities as they fall! That’s not particularly difficult for the TSBG Family! In June, all the teachers celebrating their anniversaries invited to the Binderhansl – we wish them all the best once again

TSBG goes Shangri La Teil 2
In London, General Manager and graduate Kurt Macher presented the Shangri-La Hotel the Shard to the winners of the innovation competition Sebastian Konrad and Elias Löcker.
During their stay, the two were able to enjoy an extensive tour of the hotel, attend management meetings and learn from Kurt how luxury hotels operate.
Lunch in the Gong Restaurant, cocktails on the 52nd floor in the TING Bar and a tour of London made this an unforgettable experience.
Familiarisation on the Campus
The first classes of the Bad Gleichenberg tourism schools started the school year with the traditional familiarisation week.
This time is used to orientate themselves. To get to know the teachers and the programme, of course also to gain their first experiences in practical lessons and simply to have fun together and familiarise themselves with their new surroundings.
Klassenfoto- Bitte lachen!
Die Eröffnungskonferenz zu Schulbeginn wurde zum Anlass genommen endlich wieder einmal ein Gruppenbild des LehrerInnen – und BetreuerInnen-Teams zu machen.

The start of every school year includes the obligatory hiking day.
For our TSBG and PG classes, the programme included a hike to the Gleichenberg Parapluie, a trip to the Styrassic Park and a visit to the craft exhibition in Fehring.

Before the school stress really kicked in, the teachers treated themselves to a team-building weekend in Trieste and enjoyed the colourful hustle and bustle of the Barcolana in the Bay of Trieste in glorious weather. Many thanks to Karin Hirschmugl for the organisation.

There has been a close partnership between the Silberberg School of Viticulture and the Bad Gleichenberg School of Tourism for several years. An exchange takes place several times a year as part of this school partnership. The first highlight is in October when future young sommeliers from Gleichenberg travel to Silberberg for the grape harvest.
This year they could not have chosen a better day. They were out and about in the vineyards in perfect weather.

KTF- Pleasure tour around the Vulkanland region
At the end of October, the 3KA and their class teacher Bernhard Ertl went on a tour around the beautiful Vulkanland region in glorious weather.
The volcanic ham factory, the Lava Bräu brewery and the Gölles adventure world of vinegar and spirits were just a few of the highlights of the day.

Junior chefs 2023/24
As every year, the first session of the junior chefs took place in October, where 11-13-year-old cooking talents get a taste of the profession of chef once a month at the campus of the tourism schools.
After a short round of introductions, the junior chefs got down to business and after a short time, they were already preparing their first pancakes.

Graduation ball
“Bon Voyage – Around the world in one evening.”
This was the motto of the unforgettable ball night at the Bad Gleichenberg School of Tourism on 17 November 2023, where the school leavers and graduates took guests on a journey through the last five years. Stops were made at destinations that have shaped our school careers. From Scotland to Spain and France, we were able to indulge in culinary delights. We were also able to explore the world of drinks in the various bars. During our trip around the world, we also stayed true to our homeland. Numerous Styrian delicacies and the Styrian wine world could be discovered. We danced, celebrated and travelled the world together. The evening was accompanied by music from EGON7, who turned the evening into a glittering ball night. Together with our guests, parents, teachers and classmates, we were able to celebrate the crowning finale of our journey.
We, the graduates, would like to thank you for an unforgettable evening!
Peak trade fair season for the Bad Gleichenberg public schools
Autumn and winter time is education fair time. Where and how to continue after the 8th grade or after the Matura is a huge topic for all those who are faced with this decision. The countless careers and education fairs that take place, especially in the first semester, help with this. As a campus school, the Bad Gleichenberg public schools have a particularly large catchment radius and are therefore present at fairs. In addition, the upper school of the private grammar school is also being advertised for the first time this year.